Troy and Jess
In Promortus, @glorzo-steve greets Troy and Jess, but we’re unsure …Which One is Florflok?
In Childrick of Mort, @jerry compliments Florflok about his progress …Need Some People for a Thing
Taddybook Hacked! (Not really)Same Bully, Different Season
@playground-bully (left) from the post credits clip in the Season …Two Redheaded Students or One
I initially thought I inadvertently added this user twice; once …A Friend of Jessica
This student has been seen many times throughout the show, …The Lipkip Family
Looks like @tommy-lipkip may have had a sister. Does anyone …A Rick Has No Name
Does the Rick who visited @blue-pants-rick have a known name/origin?Blond Rainbow Suspender Guy
He’s seen on a bus, at a party, on the …Council of Ricks Names
Anyone know where I can get these Ricks full names? …
Rick and Morty’s Graves
Rick and Morty’s Graves